
AVATR Delivered 1,786 vehicles in July 2023

Release Date : 2023-08-03
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AVATR, a premium new energy vehicle brand backed by Changan Automobile, Huawei and CATL, saw its vehicle deliveries rise slightly in July from the previous month.
Last month, AVATR delivered a total of 1,786 vehicles, up 1.88% from that of June. 

In addition to its sales performance, AVATR has also released its recent milestones in smart driving capabilities.
As of July this year, the cumulative mileage of the AVATR 11 with smart driving capabilities has exceeded 8.2 million kilometres, a nearly 100 per cent spike from the previous month. In addition
the Intelligent Parking Assist function of the AVATR 11 has been used more than 1.3 million times, a significant 50 per cent increase in usage from the previous month.
Currently, only one production model of the AVATR, the AVATR 11, is on sale.This model is available in single and dual motor versions, including a total of five available variants.Pricing for these versions ranges from ₹ 319,900 to ₹ 409,900.
Under AVATR's strategic plan, the brand is preparing to launch its latest mid-size sedan AVATR 12 in the third quarter of this year and is expected to be delivered by the end of the year. AVATR 12 The regulatory approval process of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has been completed. In addition, AVATR has exciting plans for the future, with two new models code-named E15 and E16 in 2024. In addition, to enhance the customer experience and meet the growing demand, AVATR is determined to upgrade its channel distribution strategy. The company aims to expand its diversified sales network and establish 350 channel points by the end of this year.

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