
Sold 469,800-569,800 AITO M9 officially launched

Release Date : 2023-12-27
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AITO M9 is officially launched, priced at 469,800-569,800 yuan. Let’s take a look at the highlights of AITO M9.

1) About materials and safety

AITO M9 adopts the world's largest one-piece die-cast rear body, and the aluminum alloy volume of the entire vehicle accounts for up to 80%, with a lightweight coefficient of less than 2.02. In addition, 2000MPa nuclear submarine-grade hot-formed steel is used in 12 places of the entire vehicle. In terms of safety, the AITO M9 vehicle comes standard with 9 airbags + 16 safety points + pre-tensioned seat belts. The battery adopts a five-layer safety package design and ten layers of thermal safety protection.
2) About design and configuration

AITO M9 is built on a new luxury D-class platform and adopts a new design language. Its skyline design, suspended roof, 3.1-meter-long flat side windows, and 0.264Cd drag coefficient are all its highlights. In terms of body size, AITO M9 occupies a certain advantage in the large SUV market, with length, width and height of 5230/1999/1800mm respectively, and a wheelbase of 3110mm.

In terms of intelligent configuration, the HarmonyOS 4.0 system, Huawei ADS high-end intelligent driving system, Huawei AR-HUD (augmented reality head-up system), XPIXEL headlights and light field screens, laser projection and other configurations are its highlights.
3) About power life

In terms of power, AITO M9 offers extended range and pure electric power options. The pure electric version has a peak power of 160kW and 230kW respectively; the extended range version is equipped with a 1.5T engine with a maximum power of 112kW, matching the maximum power of 165kW and 230kW respectively. 200kW dual motors. In terms of battery life, the extended-range version offers two options: comprehensive CLTC battery life of 1,402km (52-degree battery) and 1,362km (42-degree battery).
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